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Welcome to Visit North Croatia comunity!
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Ispunjavanjem ovog obrasca dodat ćemo Vas na našu newsletter listu. Osobni podaci prikupljeni putem ove forme (Vaša e-mail adresa) bit će pohranjeni i obrađivani isključivo u svrhu vašeg informiranja o događajima Visit North Croatia sve dok ne zatražite prekid. Na kraju svakog e-maila imat ćete mogućnost bezuvjetnog prekida pretplate na naše e-mailove.
By filling out this form we will add you to our newsletter list. Personal data collected through this form (your email address) will be stored and processed solely for the purpose of informing you about the events of Visit North Croatia until you request to unsubscribe. At the end of each email, you will have the option to unconditionally unsubscribe from our emails.